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Market and Promote Your Novel (CWRI9215)

Course Description

You've completed your first novel and the mailman has just delivered several copies to you. Now, how do you convince total strangers to spend their hard earned money on your debut novel? Learn the techniques to marketing your novel to book clubs, review organizations and casual readers.

Instructor Bio

Brian W. Smith is the Dallas Morning News, Best Selling Author of fifteen novels. He is the owner of Hollygrove Publishing, and currently signed to Simon and Schuster. Brian is the host of the popular Internet radio show, "The Scribe Spot" and is Editor-In-Chief of "The Grove" literary e-magazine. He has two Bachelor of Science Degrees (Business Administration and Criminal Justice) and a Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA). Brian is the author of ten novels. four have become best sellers - Mama's Lies - Daddy's Pain, DEADBEAT, BEATER, and Nina's Got a Secret.

Course Objectives

Learn the 4 P's of Marketing - Price, Place, Product and Promotion
Learn how to identify your target market
Perfect your elevator speech
Learn how to find and approach book clubs
Increase your visibility - blogging and internet radio
Learn how to identify conferences to attend
Learn how Social Networking - Facebook, Twitter and Constant Contact - can work for you
Class project: Students will pretend to be at a book expo and give their elevator speech to prospective customers

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